Results for 'Manuel Fernandes Thomaz'

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  1.  6
    A consciência histórico-efeitual de H.-G. Gadamer.Manuel Fernandes Barroso - 2002 - Phainomenon 4 (1):91-110.
    Summary The recovery of the prejudice as well as of the authority and tradition that Gadamer accomplishes is made with the following goal: to point out the function of the dialogue, which has a main role in the legitimation and acceptance of the tradition. The philosopher introduces the dialogue conditions between tradition and the present time, all together with their prejudices and the mutual influences of the several horizons. Also, he includes the privileged condition granted by the distance of time. (...)
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  2. Francisco Suárez als rechtsberater : einige reflexionen über die wahrscheinlichkeit und den probabilismus im recht.João Manuel A. Alexandrino Fernandes - 2021 - In Dominique Bauer & Randall Lesaffer, History, casuistry and custom in the legal thought of Francisco Suárez (1548-1617): collected studies. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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    Fostering Cultures of Sustainability in a Multi-Unit Office Building: A Theory of Change.Bianca Christel Dreyer, Manuel Riemer, Brittany Spadafore, Joel Marcus, Devon Fernandes, Allan Taylor, Stephanie Whitney, Sean Geobey & Aisling Dennett - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Psychological approaches to fostering sustainability are heavily focused on individual behaviors and often insufficiently address the physical and social contexts individuals are embedded in. This limits the ability to create meaningful, long-lasting change, as many of day-to-day behaviors are social practices embedded in broader cultural norms and systems. This is particularly true in the work context, where organizational cultures heavily condition both the actions of individual employees and the collective actions of organizations. Thus, we argue cultures, not behaviors, must become (...)
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    The Limits of Law: Introducing a Rarely Frequented Topos.José Manuel Aroso Linhares, Ana Margarida Simões Gaudêncio & Inês Fernandes Godinho - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (1):3-11.
    This introductory chapter integrates two different steps: a global consideration of the problems which the “signifier” limits is able to include and a detailed mapping of the reflective path which the following thirteen chapters effectively pursue.
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    The first AI4TSP competition: Learning to solve stochastic routing problems.Yingqian Zhang, Laurens Bliek, Paulo da Costa, Reza Refaei Afshar, Robbert Reijnen, Tom Catshoek, Daniël Vos, Sicco Verwer, Fynn Schmitt-Ulms, André Hottung, Tapan Shah, Meinolf Sellmann, Kevin Tierney, Carl Perreault-Lafleur, Caroline Leboeuf, Federico Bobbio, Justine Pepin, Warley Almeida Silva, Ricardo Gama, Hugo L. Fernandes, Martin Zaefferer, Manuel López-Ibáñez & Ekhine Irurozki - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 319 (C):103918.
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    The iconography of the Holy Martyrs of Lisbon in four 16th century paintings – language and meanings.Manuel Batoréo - 2010 - Cultura:187-199.
    Quatro painéis de muito boa pintura, representando aspectos da vida e martírios dos Santos Mártires de Lisboa, Veríssimo, Máxima e Júlia, estão patentes no Museu Carlos Machado, em Ponta Delgada, nos Açores.Obras nunca estudadas antes de 2001, embora referenciadas documentalmente já no século XIX, permaneceram em colecções particulares até aos anos sessenta do século XX, quando foram doadas ao museu açoriano, onde se encontram em bom estado de conservação. Nunca dali saíram, a não ser um dos painéis para a XVII (...)
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    A thousand years of nonlinear history.Manuel De Landa - 1997 - New York: Zone Books.
    More than a simple expository history, A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History sketches the outlines of a renewed materialist philosophy of history in the tradition of Fernand Braudel, Gilles Deleuze, and F lix Guattari, while also engaging the critical new understanding of material processes derived from the sciences of dynamics.Following in the wake of his groundbreaking War in the Age of Intelligent Machines, Manuel De Landa presents a radical synthesis of historical development over the last one thousand years. More (...)
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  8. Is there an analytic limit of genuine modal realism?Manuel Bremer - 2003 - Mind 112 (445):79-82.
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    An Unfinished Conversation: Two Oppressed People Unable to Agree.P. Cavalcanti & R. Fernandes - 1973 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1973 (18):136-149.
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    Com quantos autores faz-se uma Cidade Nova?: análise da produção existente sobre os aspectos urbanos da cidade de Natal.Gabriela Fernandes De Siqueira - 2015 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (1):11.
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    Um discípulo indisciplinado: Diderot leitor de Shaftesbury.Luís Fernandes dos Santos Nascimento - 2011 - Discurso 41 (41):09-28.
    Um discípulo indisciplinado: Diderot leitor de Shaftesbury.
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  12. A instituição da lei e o valor do justo: positivismo jurídico no pensamento de Nietzsche.Vinicius Fernandes Ormelesi - 2024 - Cadernos Nietzsche 45 (3):45-3.
    This paper analyzes the contestation of Dühring’s ideas made by Nietzsche in paragraph 11 of the second part of the book On the Genealogy of Morals, in order to relate the philosopher's arguments to the legal positivist theory of the time. Through the examination of the views and arguments articulated in the Nietzschean reasoning, it is sought to show that Nietzsche's positions not only welcome important premises of legal positivism but are also compatible with some developments of positivist legal theory (...)
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  13. Teologia de la evolucion (II): La Ilamada creadora trinitaria. Karl Schmitz-Moormann, 1997.Manuel G. Doncel - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (242):783.
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  14. Animal consciousness as a test case of cognitive science.Manuel Bremer - 2005 - In Bewusstsein: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven.
    In our dealings with animals at least most of us see them as conscious beings. On the other hand the employment of human categories to animals seems to be problematic. Reflecting on the details of human beliefs, for example, casts serious doubt on whether the cat is able to believe anything at all. These theses try to reflect on methodological issues when investigating animal minds. Developing a theory of animal mentality seems to be a test case of the interdisciplinary research (...)
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    The interest of reason in a world in evolution.Manuel Curado - 2010 - Pensamiento 66 (249):511.
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    “I Don’t Want Your Compassion!”. The Importance of Empathy for Morality.Manuel Camassa - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (35).
    After the great enthusiasm about the moral potentialities of empathy of the last thirty years, this phenomenon has been recently called into question, if not openly criticized, by both philosophers and psychologists among whom we find Jesse Prinz or Paul Bloom. This paper aims to show why empathy should not too easily be regarded as useless or even deleterious for morality and to propose a special role for it. In order to reach this goal, I will briefly sketch what I (...)
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    Ecos de arcaicas cosmogonías acuáticas en el ocaso del mundo medieval.Manuel-Antonio Marcos Casquero - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:91-118.
    Primitivos relatos cosmogónicos de diferentes culturas en que el agua desempeña un papel fundamental en la creación del mundo. Análisis de los valores fundamentales del agua que se manifiestan en dichos relatos. El culto al agua desde la antigüedad hasta el final de la Edad Media. Relación del agua con la magia.
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  18. Introduction à la Philosophie.Manuel Gonzalo Casas - 1955 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (3):508-509.
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  19. Los escenarios europeo y latinoamericano. Medios comunitarios y ciudadanos.Manuel Chaparro - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 74:143-148.
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  20. Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias : una vivencia personal imperecedera.Manuel Cisneros Milla - 2018 - In Francisco Miró Quesada Rada, Los cien años de Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias: (homenaje). Lima, Perú: El Comercio.
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    El otro económico.Manuel Montalvo - 2004 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 38:173-184.
    El f in de este a r tículo es demostrar que las ficciones cartesianas no son necesarias en el ámbito del conocimiento, en pa r ticular del conocimiento económico, el cual se de r iv a del análisis de la red de intereses y decisiones de los sujetos, decisiones que son f r uto del pensamiento común que determina el pensamiento de cada in d i viduo. La secuencia ca r tesiana "pensarse para pensar", en realidad se realiza de modo (...)
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  22. El papel de los ingenieros: en el ecosistema del Internet de las cosas.Manuel Moreu - 2013 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 96:13-15.
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    Logic year 1979-80, the University of Connecticut, USA.Manuel Lerman, James Henry Schmerl & Robert Irving Soare (eds.) - 1981 - New York: Springer Verlag.
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    (1 other version)Minimal Degrees and Recursively Inseparable Pairs of Recursively Enumerable Sets.Manuel Lerman - 1991 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 37 (19‐22):331-342.
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    The Interplay Between the Role of the Mass Media and the Social Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices.Manuel Libenson - 2008 - Semiotics:544-556.
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  26. ?Quién sabe?Manuel G. Prieto - 1926 - N.Y.: F. Mayans.
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    Presentation - Theisms Philosophical Contributions from the East to the West.Manuel Sumares - 2016 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 72 (1):9-12.
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  28. Part VI. distance cooperation?: 16. a communicational and documentary theory of ict.Manuel Zacklad - 2010 - In Bernard Reber & Claire Brossaud, Digital cognitive technologies: epistemology and the knowledge economy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
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    Una década con la historia de la teoría política de Fernando Vallespín: el pensamiento en su historia.Manuel Zafra - 2003 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 3:121-125.
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    For Equals Only: Race, Equality, and the Equal Protection Clause.Tina Fernandes Botts - 2018 - Lexington Books.
    This book philosophically explores changing conceptions of race and equality in Supreme Court decisions interpreting the Equal Protection Clause since the enactment of the 14th Amendment. It traces these changing conceptions alongside the gradual elimination of the social equality of racialized persons from the Supreme Court’s list of priorities.
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    Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspectives on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism.Thomas Bustamante & Bernardo Gonçalves Fernandes (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume critically discusses the relationship between democracy and constitutionalism. It does so with a view to respond to objections raised by legal and political philosophers who are sceptical of judicial review based on the assumption that judicial review is an undemocratic institution. The book builds on earlier literature on the moral justification of the authority of constitutional courts, and on the current attempts to develop a system on "weak judicial review". Although different in their approach, the chapters all focus (...)
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    Simpósio internacional de fenomenologia E hermenêutica. Sociedade brasileira de fenomenologia.Nythamar Fernandes De Oliveira - 2000 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 45 (1):5-8.
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    Introdução à Antropologia da Religião.Mailson Fernandes Cabral de Souza - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):543-552.
    Resenha do livro Introdução à Antropologia da Religião.
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    A concepção do espetáculo como supérfluo.Marcos Fernandes Gonçalves - 2011 - Synesis 3 (1):86-98.
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  35. Presentación del Congreso.Manuel Angel Martínez Juan - 2011 - Ciencia Tomista 138 (445):231-236.
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    Entre a parábola e o conto: Jesus, um contador de histórias.Levi Fernandes Leonido da Silva, João Bartolomeu Rodrigues & Elsa Gabriel Morgado - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):300-314.
    Nesta investigação, propomo-nos demonstrar que Jesus foi um verdadeiro contador de histórias. A narrativa lucana conhecida tradicionalmente por parábola do Filho pródigo não é propriamente uma parábola, pois assume os contornos formais de um conto, podendo-se nela encontrar as caraterística centrais do género literário “o conto”. Nela encontramos propriedades configuradoras da sua individualização como género: a conclusão moralizante de uma história fechada, com princípio, meio e fim; a concentração de espaço, tempo e reduzido número de personagens; a curta extensão sintagmática, (...)
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  37.  43
    A framework to understand human action.João de Fernandes Teixeira - 1988 - Trans/Form/Ação 11:13-22.
    This paper consists in an analysis of two explanatory models of human behaviour which play a prominent role in the contemporary literature on human action. The first model - the causalist - aims at explaining action in terms of causes and general laws. The second model - the intentionalist - explains human action in terms of intentions and practical syllogism. The difficulties of both models are presented and in the last part of the essay we propose one alternative model, based (...)
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    Tema: o retorno do ensino de filosofia ao segundo grau.João de Fernandes Teixeira & Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzales - 1983 - Trans/Form/Ação 6:1-3.
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    Zariski‐type topology for implication algebras.Manuel Abad, Diego Castaño & José P. Díaz Varela - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (3):299-309.
    In this work we provide a new topological representation for implication algebras in such a way that its one-point compactification is the topological space given in [1]. Some applications are given thereof.
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  40. La" Al-anniyya" de Avicena y elproblema de la esencia y la existencia.Manuel Alonso - 1958 - Pensamiento 14 (55):311-346.
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    I. A. Richards' theory of value.Manuel Bilsky - 1954 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (4):536-545.
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  42. (1 other version)Crónicas.Manuel Gonzalo Casas - 1967 - Philosophia (Misc.) 33:119.
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    Categorical Propositions and logica inventiva in Leibniz's Dissertano de arte combinatoria (1666).Manuel Correia - 2002 - Studia Leibnitiana 34 (2):232 - 240.
    In seiner Dissertano de arte combinatoria entwickelt G. W. Leibniz eine Methode, um Prädikate von einem Subjekt und Subjekte zu einem Prädikat zu finden, und er stellt eine Formel auf, um deren Anzahl zu berechnen. Ich möchte im Folgenden erläutern, wie diese Methode funktioniert und warum sie sowohl einen Teil der, wie Leibniz es nennt, logica inventiva als auch eine direkte Folge seiner Variationslehre bildet, die den zentralen Teil seiner Dissertano ausmacht. Im letzten Abschnitt dieses Beitrages werde ich auf einige (...)
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    Self-determination and the conflict between naturalism and non-naturalism.Manuel M. Davenport - 1959 - Journal of Philosophy 56 (15):633-644.
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  45. Alternativas al sistema penitenciario.Manuel Gallego Díaz - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (973):25-28.
    La prisión, que hasta finales del siglo XVIII no pasó de ser una medida aseguradora de la presencia del reo en el proceso, fue experimentando a partir de entonces un rápido y progresivo avance como pena en los ordenamientos jurídicos no sólo por considerarse más humana y eficaz que las penas a las que fue sustituyendo -penas de muerte, corporales e infamantes-, sino sobre todo por su adaptabilidad a la gravedad del delito. Además, con la organización de la ejecución de (...)
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    3. Heraklit, Parmenides und die eleatische Schule.Manuel Knoll - 2017 - In Antike Griechische Philosophie. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 63-96.
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    Leonardo Coimbra: vida e filosofia.Manuel Cândido Pimentel - 2019 - Lisboa: Universidade Católica.
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  48. Scholastica colonialis: el contexto curricular de los misioneros franciscanos extremeños.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2011 - Cauriensia 6:147-167.
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  49.  15
    Qu’est-ce que la signification?Manuel Rebuschi - 2008 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Quand nous utilisons le langage, nous nous appuyons sur le fait que les expressions linguistiques ont une signification. Comment cela fonctionne-t-il? La signification se reduit-elle a l'information? Y a-t-il un intermediaire entre le langage et le monde? Les significations sont-elles dans la tete? Ces questions sont abordees en partant des conceptions heritees de Frege et de Russell jusqu'a la semantique bidimensionnelle de Chalmers, en passant par les debats sur la reference des noms propres et des termes d'espece naturelle. Le livre (...)
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  50.  6
    L'ambivalenza della modernità: Karl Löwith, Rudolf Bultmann e i fondamenti cristiani dell'Occidente.Manuel Rossini & Luca Montanari (eds.) - 2014 - Torino: Trauben.
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